Saturday, 21 August 2010

Exam Motivation

I failed one of my exams at University this year, so I am having to re-sit it on the 2nd Sept. Why did I fail it? Because I avoided revising like the plague, because it all seemed so daunting and difficult. All I could think about was how much stuff I had to revise for this one topic, and because the topic is kind of psychology based (looking at consumer behaviour) whilst interesting, it’s pretty intense and you can’t really wing your answers because you have to understand the key concepts and models and you have to actually be able to remember them.

Now my boyfriend always says I give myself too much to do, and whilst it probably is achievable in a day, it’s highly unlikely that I would ever actually get it done. So he always says look just do that because it is achievable, but I always say yes but I need to get more than that done! And what happens? I do nothing because it all seems so daunting and if I had taken my boyfriends advice and just done that little achievable bit, then I would be one step further towards completing my revision and would be panicking less because I could tick something off my list.

So I am basically writing this blog entry so that those of you out there who read this and need a reminder or encouragement (just in case you are in the same hole as me) get a kick in the right direction. And also this should help me.

Just do a little bit. Take that easy first step and then leave it for today. So right now I am going to go downstairs and read through my motivation topic, which just so happens to be the topic I had revised the most when I had the exam the first time around. I need to pass this else I will have to retake the entire module so pressures on. But I have 11 days left to revise 9 topics. It’s doable. I’ve just got to get it done!

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